Our Services
Built Heritage Consultancy
Bourne Heritage deals with the potential impacts of application proposals on all types of heritage assets, including statutorily listed buildings, locally listed buildings and conservation areas. We do not just deal with schemes involving proposed physical changes to built heritage but also address more abstract issues such as impacts of proposed development on the setting of heritage assets.
Bourne Heritage liaises with a variety of stakeholders, including private clients, architects, planning consultants and local planning authorities to help achieve the best outcomes for proposed development schemes of all sizes and scope, and also work with Historic England on projects requiring input at a high level, namely those impacting upon grade I and II* listed buildings and scheduled monuments.
All consultancy provided by Bourne Heritage is undertaken in accordance with heritage-related statutory law, national, regional and local planning policy, as well as guidance from bodies such as Historic England
Specific services on offer are as follows:
Provision of heritage advice
This usually takes the form of a scoping site visit to ascertain heritage opportunities and constraints for owners of listed buildings, locally listed buildings and people living in conservation areas. Advice can be offered on proposed internal alterations, external alterations, extensions and setting issues. A site visit is usually followed up with a heritage advice note or detailed email, if required, summarising the findings of the inspection.
Provision of pre-application heritage asssessments
Preparation of light touch reports to inform discussions at the pre-application planning stage of development schemes with potential heritage-related impacts.
Provision of heritage statements in support of applications
Preparation of more detailed heritage assessments to accompany finalised planning and listed building consent applications
Provision of heritage appeal statements
Preparation of heritage rebuttal statements in support of written representation appeals against refused planning and listed building applications
Attendance at Planning Appeal Inquiries
Attendance as an expert witness at appeal inquiries
Provision of Archaeological desk-based assessments
Bourne Heritage also prepares archaeological desk-based assessments on behalf of Abrams Archaeology (Consultancy | Abrams Archaeology) so please get in touch if you need one for a planning application, or for any other archaeological consultancy needs
Historical Research
Bourne Heritage provides archive and desk-based research services for all property and house history, land registration, commons de-registration and rights of way needs, We source all kinds of historical mapping and building plans, with a particular focus on the 1836 Tithe Survey, 1910 Finance Act Survey, 1940s Farm Survey and historic Ordnance Survey mapping.
Archive research is carried out in a variety of record offices and local studies libraries across London and the Southeast, with a primary focus on the National Archives at Kew.
Desk-based research services on offer include sourcing historical planning application records, historical imagery and online archive catalogue records.
The output from our research can range from provision of digital imagery of historical source material to fully referenced research reports - we tailor our deliverables to the needs of individual clients.
These are highly competitive (there is no charge for VAT) and tailored to meet individual client needs - please contact Bourne Heritage with details of your requirements using the contact details provided and a personalised fee quote will be sent out by email.